The Cross-Cultural Center stands as the pioneering and most ancient cultural hub on our campus, having played a catalytic role in fostering vibrant communities within our university. This timeline serves to showcase the rich tapestry of our history.
January 24, 1990 – MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) meeting: students discuss experiences of discrimination within the Spanish Department and cite specific incidences.
January 29, 1990 – Students rally to express their protest of the situation in the Spanish Department
February 7, 1990 – Acting Dean of the College of Letters and Science publicly announces the appointment of a task force (chaired by the Dean of Education, Henry Trueba) to conduct an inquiry into the needs of Spanish-speaking students for Spanish language instruction, to investigate their complaints about issues arising in courses offered by the Spanish Department, and to recommend ways of resolving them.
February 8, 1990 – Initial meeting is held with the chair of the Academic Senate to discuss grievance procedures in the Spanish Department. A format for grievances is approved and administrative contacts regarding the filing of grievances are designated.
March 14, 1990 – "Trueba Task Force Report" is released and a federal investigation of alleged discrimination is also made public.
May 1, 1990 – Approximately 200 students, including a representative of the Ethnic Studies Task Force, walk out and march to Mrak Hall. A number of points of contention were brought up, including the recent rejection of Cruz Reynoso for the Dean of UCD School of Law, perceived discriminatory practices in the Spanish Department, and need for higher retention and recruitment rates for underrepresented students.
May 14, 1990 – Four students launch a hunger strike on the steps of Mrak Hall. A list of demands in order to end the hunger strike is drafted. They included the following:
- Launching an official investigation into alleged racism in the Spanish Department
- Establishing an on-campus ethnic and cultural center
- Increasing the number of full-time faculty members in the Afro-American, Asian American, Native American and Chicano Studies Programs
May 19, 1990 – After nearly six days of fasting by four students (José Quiñonez, Andrea Gaytan, Gopal Dayaneni and Ahmanal Dorsey), an agreement is reached with University Administration in reference to the aforementioned demands and the hunger strikers begin the recovery process.
May 25, 1990 – The work group on planning a cross-cultural center announces the projected opening of the center at the Ag Extension building.
Fall 1992 – Opening of the Cross Cultural Center at the Ag Extension Building
January 2012 – Move of the Cross Cultural Center to its current permanent location in the Student Community Center
In commemorating the 25th year, we joyously celebrated the impactful hunger strike that served as the catalyst for our journey.